Colour consultations, Port Macquarie
DESiGNING Divas (interior design firm in Port Macquarie) recently had a call from a client who wanted to repaint her home in Port Macquarie.
“There is so much choice, when it comes to colour, that I keep on changing my mind”, she said. “I must have every colour swatch and over thirty sample paint pots and I am still no wiser as to what colour is best for my home. I just know it needs updating as it is looking tired and dated. I have made so many trips to the paint store for samples, when I would get ready to leave, the paint mixer just said “See you tomorrow”.”
So how do you choose the right colour palette to ensure that you don’t make costly mistakes when embarking on a home makeover?
“There is an enormous amount of information online and in stores where you can get good general advice. As well as colour swatches and sample pots. That’s the problem…Information overload,” says Michelle Burton, interior designer and colour consultant at DESiGNiNG Divas. “Everyone has an opinion and there is no right or wrong. But there are mistakes that a trained professional can make sure you avoid. Colour is such a quick and instant way of transforming the mood of a home. It’s knowing the mood you want to create that is the critical decision.”

One of the 2019 colours from Dulux
As for the colour confused client. “I was driving my husband crazy with all the changes I kept making. He’d agree to anything, so he wasn’t much help. Then he said “Why don’t you ask an expert”. The most sensible thing I heard in years. That’s when I turned to an interior design firm (DESiGNiNG Divas). Michelle doesn’t try to sell me a paint, she is interested in my likes and dislikes with the skill to know what is the right look and style for the property and my home furnishings. I am so excited to see the finished result.”

Living Coral – Pantone 2019
Here are few links – what Pantone thinks the 2019 colours are and predictions from Dulux. Two leading colour expert companies, with completely differing views. What chance does the homeowner have? Best talk to an expert who is on your side.
In summary; decide on the mood you want to create for your home then talk to a colour expert who can translate your idea into a colour palette for your home and taste. Contact DESIGNiNG Divas to arrange an in-home colour consultation. Or at our interior design studio in Port Macquarie if you are building a new home and want to select the best colours – inside and outside. You will discover a few inspirational ideas from this Vogue article link. And just for your information, according to Pantone, this is the colour of 2019 – Living coral.