It certainly is a strong market to be selling homes [2021]. With record low borrowing rates leading to some record high sale prices. Port Macquarie / Hastings continues to be a ‘sought after’ region for escapees from Sydney and Brisbane.
And that is exactly why a home should be staged for sale.
An un-staged home leaves ‘money on the table’. Staging a home adds perceived value that results in the highest offers. Professionally staged homes get multiple offers; multiple offers can lead to bidding ‘wars’…resulting in a quicker sale for a higher price.
Ever wondered why property developers spend so much time and effort making their newly built display homes look so beautiful inside and outside? They are selling emotion along with the square metres. We often Stage for builders and developers.

BEFORE Home Staging Port Macquarie – 4B Assembly Close – DESiGNiNG Divas
Even in a seller’s market vacant homes are always harder to sell. An empty room is hard to imagine as a happy place. An empty property can never feel like a home. Professionally styled homes look ready to move-in and potential buyers when viewing are not focusing on repairs, updates (more noticeable in older homes), which makes them concentrate on additional time and expense in repairs and updates.
If a home has been staged and photographed before being listed the potential buyers have already been ‘wooed’ through the web presentation and video before walking up the driveway.

Home Staging Port Macquarie – 4B Assembly Close – DESiGNiNG Divas
Staging helps define areas. Especially open floor plan living or unconventional floor plans that potential buyers just cant envisage.
When people are searching for a new home, emotions are high. Home staging creates a sense of urgency. An emotional connection for the potential buyers. They fall in love with the place and make a quick offer for fear of losing out.
Interestingly, in the last few months properties staged by DESiGNiNG Divas that were intended for sale at auction, have received offers that were accepted well before the auction date.
As soon as a home goes on the market for sale, it’s a commodity. No longer the vendor’s home. It has to appeal to a wide a range of purchasers as possible. Rather than thinking of Staging a Home as an expense, think of it as an investment. An investment that could pay huge dividends in a very short time span.
The real estate market is constantly fluctuating. There is one thing that remains constant – a good first impression in the real estate market is a great start in negotiating for the best price. A property staged for sale will sell faster and for more than the same property un-staged. Why risk leaving money on the negotiating table?
For a Staging your Home for Sale presentation and latest styling packages contact Michelle at DESiGNiNG Divas E:
NB the property featured above 4b Assembly Close was sold by Elders, Port Macquarie is just 22 days. We also staged the property next door 4a Assembly Close which sold in just 14 days. Agent Alison Sheppard
Contact Michelle Burton at Designing Divas for further information about property staging for sale on the mid-north coast of NSW